get your ERC20 token balance with an API

Get your ERC20 Token Balance

Ethereum Address


  • CJX 0.0
  • ETH 0.000000

Get Balance

Ethereum ERC20 Smart Contacts

A lot of new coins and Decentralized Autonomous Apps or Dapps are being made on the Ethereum ERC 20 tokens. It allows you to get your profits directly on the basis of the contract with the coin holders based on Ethereum contracts.

ERC20 dApps Wallets

Many new coins or dapps don’t have their exclusive wallet for us to access the balances, especially during the early stages. This new API named TokenBalance allows you to access your ERC 20 balance with ease. You just have to put in the Ethereum address and the contract address and you are good to go! There is also a drop down list of all the contracts currently in the ERC 20 bracket. You can chose among the Monacos, Polybiuses and others.

Works for any Etheruem Token makes life a little simplier by letting you check your crypto balances even if the coin creators havn't made a wallet/client yet.

ETH Mainnet API

We are always connected to a forever updating Ethereum geth server, we'll be able to fetch transactions that happened moments ago.

Secure Requests

All requests on the API must go to HTTPS, it will not be routeable any other way. Our geth server's are not public, but our API is free to use everytime!

Quick API

Use the API on your website or inside of your application to create a real "wallet" feel. The API is super fast, reliable for your next application.

Easy to Implement

Token Balance has an increadible easy API for ethereum contract tokens and I recommend you try to implement it in your next application.

ERC20 Tokens

Many people don't know the true power behind the Ethereum blockchain, you might have other crypto currencies in your wallet that you didn't even know about.

TokenBalance API Endpoints

Mainnet         -$CONTRACT/$ETH_ADDRESS


Full JSON API Request



Token JSON Response

    "name": "Golem Network Token",
    "wallet": "0xda0aed568d9a2dbdcbafc1576fedc633d28eee9a",
    "symbol": "GNT",
    "balance": 7.998173814269688,
    "eth_balance": 0.9912952230000018,
    "decimals": 18,
    "block": 3461147

Easy right!? The 'balance' is already formated for you with the decimal provided. I find this to be an easy method to get my balance for my alt cryptocurrencies. Most of the developers havn't even created a stable wallet yet! I've seen many people using geth full time to check their balance, little much in my book. Use the API and be free.

Balance Only Request



Balance Plain Text Response


This is perfect for applications that just want to show the ERC20 token balance in plain text. No JSON parsing needed!